Don’t you love Tuesday? It seems such a positive, productive day where you can really get into a deep rhythm. Monday is over. Hump Day with its lethargic aura is not yet in play. Thursday, Friday, and the weekend are faux chocolate, pale, potential wraiths. Ah, but Tuesday, named after the Viking god of war, Tyr, is a take charge, “get it done” day.
Tuesday Tales — step inside! Here is where you’ll find entertaining excerpts produced during smiles, tears, and hours of keyboard dancing. These are unedited snippets by a group of hard-working writers, based on word and picture prompts. You can see our works in progress unfold week by week. Today’s word prompt is multiply. Make sure to visit the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Soon after I turned off the river road and onto Thirsty Toad Trail, the first raindrop hit me in the eye. The narrow, two-lane road had no apron to speak of. The mountain side offered a foot or two of jagged imbedded rocks. The other side was a sheer drop off. I got two tires onto the rocks and stopped. It would only take a minute to pull up the top of the SUV.
That done, I studied the sky. Roiling clouds had turned it an ashy black. I picked up my cell phone and then tossed it down. Out of service. So much for Weather Genie’s thirty percent forecast. A downpour was imminent or I was the Queen of Sheba. Should I stop and wait it out, try my Florida flatlands driving skill on a three-point turn-around, or continue the climb up to Bonbon’s? I sucked in a deep breath and nudged the car forward.
Before long, you could multiply that first raindrop by a hundred. Then a thousand. Not just the sky but the very air around me turned dark and foreboding. I was used to lightning by the seashore, but these strikes seemed demented. I got the eerie feeling I had been pinpointed and was in the middle of concentric circles that were closing in. My hands clutched the wheel. I was determined to press on, although the car barely crept through the deluge.
Lightning flashed. A deafening crack split the air, shattering it into a million pieces. The atoms of my body vibrated. Sparkles zigzagged around me. I squeezed my eyes shut. The car lurched against something hard, and a cannonball pop sounded.
The next thing I knew someone was tugging at me, pulling me from the car. Strong arms lifted me up. A man’s voice sounded as if from far away. “It’s okay. You’re all right.” I lifted my head and tried to focus, but it was too much effort. His face was a blur. I let my head fall against him. Sheets of water blasted us as he carried me to a vehicle, settling me onto the seat.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt multiply. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other amazing excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2020 Flossie Benton Rogers
Great use of the word. I’m curious to see who this mystery man is
Thanks, Cathy!
Yikes! Hope she is okay. Well done. I’m curious to know who the Good Samaritan is.
Let’s hope so, Susanne.
What an excellent snippet. I was riveted.
Also, I have to say I really love your description of the days of the week at the start, especial ” Thursday, Friday, and the weekend are faux chocolate, pale, potential wraiths.” 🙂
Mae, I’m so glad you like the snippet and the day of the week “off the cuff.”
I love it- so descriptive. I was there with her in the rain! Good use of the prompt as well. And I have to say, if there was a contest for best name of a road in a novel, this would be it: Thirsty Toad Trail, Jillian
Heh heh, thank you for the kind words, Jillian!
So much tension! Incredible imagery. And who was her savior? Great job!!
I’m glad you felt the tension. Thanks, Tricia!
oh, Wow! Gooseflesh! What an evocative scene. I could practically feel it. Beautiful description, taking me right there along with her. I felt like I was riding shotgun. Great job!
How nice to hear that you got gooseflesh. Thank you!