Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry troop that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today our word prompt is lake. This week I’m leaving the vintage romance for a bit and going back to work on one of my soothing (to me) action packed fantasies. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.
Helle’s domain was the last place Rhade wanted to visit. When the Goddess of the Underworld summoned, you never knew whether it was for tea and scones or to scourge you bloody. Maybe you’d get out in one piece, or maybe thirteen. The pulse in his throat thudded at the sight of her grim expression.
The tautness of her face indicated disturbing emotions rippling beneath the surface. Flaxen hair framed strong cheekbones. Her wintry gray eyes glittered. In presentation she reminded him of the showcase fountain bearing secret passageway to her palace. An icy lake spurted jets of fire that rose and then crashed in startling and unpredictable abandon.
She extended the tips of her fingers. “Warrior.” The provocative scent of Lily of the Valley wafted into his nostrils.
He bowed his head to bestow a respectful kiss. “Divine One, how may I be of service?”
“Come with me.” She swiveled, and a bodyguard advanced beside her. She thrust out a palm. “Halt. You shall remain here.”
The uniformed man appeared bewildered. “But Divine One, your safety is my utmost responsibility. I beg you—”
Her visage turned fearsome. “Stay, I say. I will speak to the warrior in private.”
Beckoning Rhade to follow, she led him beyond the luxurious front rooms, down endless long corridors, and deep into the tunnels circling her cavernous domain. The pathways spiraled and coiled. He doubted even his well-honed sense of direction would save him if she abandoned him here.
What did she have to discuss that her own trusted guard could not hear? A surge of adrenalin sizzled through his body. He had never ventured this far inside Helle’s mysterious netherworld. She appeared to be leading him deep into her innermost sanctum.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt lake and the quick trip to the Underworld. Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
I expect each Tuesday post with great emotion. Each snippet is, for me, a lesson in writing. Thank you! ( By the way, Lily of the Valley perfume is a favorite one for me, beside lavender and jasmine).
I appreciate your looking forward to the Tuesday’s posts, Carmen. Oh, Lily of the Valley smells so delightful. In mythology it was a special scent of the goddess Freya. I couldn’t find a perfume associated with Helle, but Lily of the Valley can portend death and so I went with it.
Well done again. I can’t wait to find out what she wants!
Thank you, Susanne!
Another great post I love your details
I’m glad. Thank you, Cathy!
I love the tension you created here. Now I need to know what she’s going to tell him and where is he going? Why so far and no guards? Great writing grabbed me right away.
I’m pleased some tension came across. Thank you, Jean!
oooh. Love this! I always love how you evoke atmosphere. Jillian
Thank you for your lovely comment about atmosphere, Jillian. Much appreciated!