Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry troop that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today our word prompt is dice. My excerpt is from one of my books in progress, Hannah’s Haint, a vintage paranormal romance set in a small town in the 1950s. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.
Hannah savored the cherry from her Tom Collins and unscrewed the cap from the bottle of suntan lotion. “It’s been a while. You’d better squirt some more on your back, too, Meg.”
Her friend was sucking on ice chips. “Hand it over when you’re done then.” A slight pout formed on her bottom lip as she studied her watch. “It’s after one. I thought Bryan would be back by now.”
“He’ll show up soon.” She gave the small copper bottle to her friend. “I’ll run over to the tiki hut and get us another drink. Same kind?”
“Yeah, and get a bag of chips. We don’t want to get smashed before that nice lunch my husband promised us. I knew we should’ve stopped for breakfast along the way.” Meg dove a hand into her pocketbook.
Hannah stopped her. “My treat this time.” She drew some money from her billfold before standing and slipping into lilac sandals.

When she returned a few minutes later with the drinks and a bag of potato chips, she was surprised by the sight of Meg flashing her ring finger at two good looking young men. Her friend caught her gaze, looked a question, and Hannah responded with a stern shake of the head.
“Sorry, boys,” Meg drawled. “No dice. My friend and I aren’t looking for company today.”
Once they had sauntered off with good humored reluctance, Hannah lowered herself onto the blanket and grinned. “Can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I?”
Meg reached for the snack and drink. “They’re harmless. College boys skipping off from classes. Neither of them suited your fancy, eh?”
She shrugged. “Not really. You know I’m not interested in pursuing the opposite sex right now.”
“I know. I know. Work on your mind. You and my Bryan, two peas in a pod in that sense. I wonder though…”
The sweet sour nectar trickled down her throat. “About what?”
“Is someone else on your mind, Hannah? A tall, dark, and handsome ex-soldier maybe?”
Her pulse skipped a beat. “If you mean Nate Larkin, the man hasn’t crossed my mind all morning.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt dice. Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
Lovely scene. As I look out at the never ending snow, I wanted to be there too. Like the natural feel of the dialogue.
Yesterday we were lamenting at the 88 degree temperature here. Where’s our spring? At least the humidity is not high yet. I’m glad you think the dialogue has a natural feel. Thanks, Susanne.
Why do I think Nate has crossed her mind! Nice snippet. Made me thirsty for a Tom Collins, a favorite of mine.Now I need to know what they are doing there and what’s coming next.
Tom Collins was my first cocktail and has a fond place in my memories. I’m glad I could fit it in. Thanks, Jean.
Such a lovely snippet!
Thank you, Vicki.
Great snippet! I love the sights and could almost taste the drinks
Thank you,Cathy!
Life like dialogue!
I envy their location. Do you think they will eat all the chips? Hope not! Perhaps Nate appears and they forget about the chips…..
I don’t know, Carmen, but I wouldn’t mind having a chip right now! Plus, the water is still too cold for me by a long shot, but I’d like to be at the beach too. Thanks for stopping by.