Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring authors posting excerpts from works in progress based on word and picture prompts. Keep in mind that the snippets are unedited. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is bug. Enjoy the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Sandra’s forehead wrinkled into horizontal lines. “I give up. It still won’t open. If this thing has a secret, it’s keeping it. Here.” With an exasperated sigh she tossed me the antique puzzle box and settled back against the seat.
I caught the tiny box with a flourish, and my eyes widened. “Hey, you did it!” I swiveled the loosened top and pulled out a folded piece of red velvet that had been wedged inside.
She leaned forward. “A scrap of cloth, for God’s sake?”
“There’s something wrapped in it.” My voice sounded higher than usual. “Look, a silver ring.” I held it up toward the light.
A flash of orange fur flew over my chair, knocking the ring from my hand. It bounced and rolled beneath a far table. Mr. Peasley, meanwhile, hurdled Sandra and skittered across pieces of furniture. He gnarled up a lacy table topper, upset a saucer of dried lavender, and sent a tiffany lamp wobbling.
“Damn cat!” Sandra had shriveled back into the cushions to avoid careless claws.
“Seriously?” I gave the cat a baleful eye. “That’s your idea of gentlemanly behavior?”
He enthroned himself atop an overstuffed pillow, ignored both of us, and began a grooming routine.
I walked over and bent down to retrieve the ring, but it was too far under. I flattened out on the floor and extended my arm as far as it would go. Finally, I got it and was easing backward when something on the underside of the table caught my eye. I reached for the object. It made a soft plop as I pulled it from the wood. I sat on the floor for a moment, looking from the ring in one hand to the object in the other.
Sandra stood up, staring. “What on earth is that?”
“It’s that thimble Opal lost the other day.” I placed the object on the table and put a finger to my lips, pulling her out into the hallway. I whispered, “It’s an electronic bug. Someone didn’t want to miss a word said in Opal’s sitting room.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt bug. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other amazing excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2020 Flossie Benton Rogers
Ooo, the plot thickens as they say! Well done.
I appreciate your feedback, Vicki!
Great snippet! Soooo, who’s listening in and why?
Thank you for commenting, Jean!
More mysteries. I wonder who’s at the other end of that listening device?
Hmmmm, we’ll have to see! Thanks, Susanne!
That was fun. I loved the cat!
I’m glad you thought the scene was fun and that you enjoyed the part about the cat, Cathy!
oooh, intriguing. And I love the part about the cat and the lamp. Typical cat. Jillian
Yes, frisky kitty!
Love the interaction with the cat. I have one just like that! And the suspense – who is listening to her??? I can’t wait to find out. Great job!
Thank you, Tricia!