Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is boat. My snippet is from a medieval romance featuring a knight and his lady. I’m excited to work in my favorite reading genre. Enjoy the other authors at Tuesday Tales.
She blinked, and dizziness threatened to overtake her at the utter gloom pressing in on them. Mayhap she should give thanks for the shroud of darkness. It hid the narrow, entombing qualities of the cave. She had never borne confinement well. Although the barking of hounds and shouts from Harbottle’s cutthroats could still be heard, the loudest sound of all was the heartbeat reverberating in her ears. Enmeshed in her heart thumping reaction to the cramped space and fevered race toward safety, her foot turned, and she stumbled.
Reese turned and caught her, preventing her from tumbling. Moving close, he gripped her arms reassuringly. Through the material of her garments , his hands and the heat of his body tamped down the fear that had welled up inside.
His voice was a deep whisper that tickled her skin. “We need to keep moving. I doubt this route is known but cannot guarantee it. Regretfully, there was no time to secure a light before our untimely flight. We’ll be out of this nature made dungeon ere long, but we must make it to the exit where I secured supplies and a boat. Time presses.”
Swallowing, she patted her chest with her fingertips and let out a breath. “Let us continue. I am quite recovered now.” They moved along the wall, and soon she spoke again, keeping her voice low. “What will they think happened to us? That we jumped?”
“Possibly, or hid among the crags. In time they may conclude we were swept away. If fortune is with us, we shall be well away by the time they scour the sea’s edge for our bodies.”
She shivered. “If it hadn’t been for you, I’d already be dead by Lampkin’s hand.”

“For certain, he is as ruthless as they come, and apparently well paid by your uncle.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt boat. Thanks for stopping by. Return to Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2019 Flossie Benton Rogers
Well done! Such a wonderful snippet full of atmosphere.
I’m glad the atmosphere is perceived– thanks, Vicki!
I love the language and imagery of medieval stories. An excellent snippet. I’m sure the entire story is fantastic!
Thank you for the feedback, Mae! I’m glad the language comes across okay.
Well done. You describe the setting and the emotions beautifully.
Love the feedback, Susanne!
Very descriptive and riveting
Thanks for your comment, Cathy!
You are a master storyteller – especially in this genre!
Trisha, it is my dream to write historicals. Thank you!
Ooh! I love the intrigue of the escape. I hope they get away safely. Great job!
Tricia, I’m glad you like the intrigue of the escape!
Love it. The escape path is described in such a lovely way. I feel like I am there. Jillian
I’m glad they had an escape path. Thank you for the feedback, Jillian!