Tuesday Tales — step inside! Here is where you’ll find cool excerpts based on smiles, tears, and hours of keyboard pounding. These are unedited snippets from works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m glad you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is arch. Visit the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
I dropped the brush on the floor and tickled her silky head. “Now you’re a pretty girl again, yes you are, the prettiest cocker spaniel ever.” I wagged a finger. “And stay out of those bushes.”
Buttercup gazed up at me adoringly, her tawny tail a blur. She received her treat and swished to the corner, away from Opal’s orange tabby.

I picked up a smaller brush and inquired of the cat, “How about it, Sir Clive? Are you up for a quick grooming?”
He ignored me and proceeded to lick his paw.
“Come on, a nice brushing will feel good.”
His eyes widened, and he flicked his head toward the wall behind me. I gaped as his back arched and his fur spurted up in all directions. I had never seen a cat do that other than in a Halloween drawing. His spitting hiss curled my ears.
Not to be outdone, Buttercup spun, bounced, and engaged in a rampant bout of barking.
“What the…” When I twisted around to see if a giant spider had crawled out of the attic, I almost fell off my seat. Clutching onto the back of the chair for dear life, I swallowed and stared.
A woman lolled against the wall, attired in a beaded dress cut above the knee. Her dark hair was sleek with what my mother used to call a spit curl adorning each cheek. The eyes that looked back at me were dark and luminous. She seemed—my brain sought a word–gossamer. It wasn’t possible, it couldn’t be, but she looked a bit transparent.
At my words, her head tilted, and she offered a shadow of a smile.
I didn’t know what Sir Clive was doing, but Buttercup was now on the chair beside me, her yapping as excited as I’d ever heard.
Without taking my eyes off the woman, I pulled my dog closer to shush her. “Who are you? How did you get in here?”
She drew a long cigarette holder to her ruby lips. A lazy coil of smoke drifted toward the ceiling.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the word prompt arch. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other amazing excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2020 Flossie Benton Rogers
Wow…I am totally blown away. Great imagery! And who is that woman? Is she a ghost? Great job!!
Thank you for the feedback, Tricia. I needed that boost!
I didn’t expect the woman (ghost?) appearing, Flossie. That was a great excerpt!
I’m pleased you didn’t expect that, thanks, Mae!
Wow! Spooky, intriguing, scary all at the same time! I love your descriptions. So well done, as always.
I’m glad you found it spooky and intriguing, Jean. Thank you for the feedback!
Great visuals here, especially of the cat and the flapper with the spit curls and cigarette holder. Can’t wait for what’s next!
Thanks for the kind feedback, Susanne!
Oh wow! I loved the grooming and animal reactions to the stranger! You made my heart beat fast and gave me chills! I can’t wait to see who she is.
Glad you got chills, Cathy. Thank you!
What a wonderful snippet! I was loving BUttercup and Sir Clive – but your unexpected guest got my attention really quick! Intrigued and want to know MORE!
I’m so glad it makes you want to know more, Trisha!