Welcome to Tuesday Tales, powered by a small group of authors, where word prompts inspire passages in the books we’re writing. I’m working on a cozy mystery, Pumpkin Patch Murder. Our word of the day is ride. When you finish the passage, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
I wondered if the Tea Thyme spirits held murder secrets in their wispy hands. Ghost Vonna evidently had amnesia, but what about the floaty lady and orange friskie? Were they haranguing me for fun or did they have hidden knowledge? The floaty lady had seemed awfully sincere when she came to Florida and also when she cavorted down Pumpkin Patch Lane, leading me directly to the body. Had she seen the murderer?
I pulled myself out of reverie and headed to the back counter. There was still no sign of Helen, an assistant, or anyone for that matter. I was the only customer in the shop. I glanced at my watch. One-fifteen. The thronging people I had seen on my way here were at one of the cafes on the Square by now, having lunch. Maybe Helen was in the back having hers. I called her name but got no answer. I hesitated and then edged around the counter to poke my head through the hallway entrance to the back rooms. I called again.
A shuffling noise sounded, and Helen appeared from an inner room down the hall, a surprised look on her face. She offered a wan smile and removed earbuds, dangling the cord around her neck, as she came toward me.
I backed away and returned to the customer’s side of the counter.
“My goodness, Peri! How nice of you to drop in. I’m afraid I didn’t expect business so shortly after noon. “In fact,” Helen continued, a furrow snaking across her forehead, “I thought I turned the lock and put out the Gone to Lunch sign.” She walked over, inspected the front door, and turned to me, looking puzzled. “I guess I forgot.”

This one? (A)

Or this one? (B)
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the piece inspired by the word ride. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2025 Flossie Benton Rogers
Great scene. I guess a lot of people have a lot on their minds. I like the second one best simply because the first looks more Halloweenie but they are both cute.
Thanks for picking!
Hmm. Is there something fishy about Helen? I’m so dying to know who done it! And that nasty detective needs to get some perspective. I like the first cover bercause the colors are so pleasing. Looking forward to this one being up for sale. I’ll be the first customer!
Thanks for picking! That one was done on the Canva phone app.
The action is ramping up. Great scene. As to the cover, I like #2. I agree with Susanne that the first one looks a little to Halloweeny.
Thanks for picking!
I like the first one best. It’s spookier.
Another great snippet this week. My fav part is this: “I wondered if the Tea Thyme spirits held murder secrets in their wispy hands.” Such a cool description. JIllian