Tuesday Tales 2024-9-3 Funny

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, powered by a small group of authors, where word prompts inspire passages in the books we’re writing. Today’s word is funny. This snippet is from a cozy mystery set in fictional Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

Granny Ledbetter nodded matter of factly. “Last of it for the year, but every morsel counts in this day and age. I’m pleased to share with neighbors.”

“It’s generous of you, and folks appreciate it.” The energetic Millie slid open a drawer to remove a booklet. She hastily filled out a receipt and presented it to Granny Ledbetter. “For the revenuers.” Both women cackled, as if they’d shared the same joke many times.

“I can always count on you to remember the old days, Millie.  I’d best git along. I’ll see you and your brood at the pumpkin races, if not before.”

“They are as tickled about the festival as ever. A body is never too old for a little fun.” With a smile of farewell, Millie transferred her attention to a couple that had entered the store.

Granny stuffed the receipt into the pocket of her checked shirt and, with a slight limp, turned toward me. As she moved closer to the front door and away from Millie and the new customers, I moved with her. “I heard about Jack Douglas buying your folks’ old place and then falling down with some sort of spell. Do they know what befell him yet?”

At first I thought she meant some kind of witchy spell, but then my brain kicked in and I realized she merely referred to the seizure or sickness that had come over Jack. At least I hoped she did. Granny Ledbetter had a reputation for possessing second sight. My mother always maintained it was true. I chose my words carefully, not wanting to share too much information but also realizing that everyone in Glisten probably already knew as much as I did about the situation. “Not exactly. He’s under a specialist’s care. The doctors took a new battery of tests, and his wife was hoping to hear something by tomorrow.”

Her gaze traveled off into the distance. “I expect she will.”

My heart leapt to my throat. Did she mean Dovie would learn something definitive about Jack’s condition?

“Funny, though, that Jack should be hurt and then Tea Thyme have a murder so close by.” She shook her head ruefully. “And now his cousin blamed for the murder.” Her eyes pierced me, and she pointed a bony finger. “You’re looking for answers, ain’t you? Take care, girl. Keep somebody close. No going out by yourself chasin’ the ghosts.”

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the piece inspired by the word funny. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2024 Flossie Benton Rogers

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Ah! Granny knows what’s up! I love the banter between them and how it is setting up the story. Great job!

  2. A chilling warning!! Love this story. Granny has second sight. I hope that will bring clarity to us as to who the real killer is. I am so wound up with this tale. It’s fascinating!

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