Welcome to Tuesday Tales, powered by a small group of authors, where word prompts inspire passages in the books we’re writing. Today’s word is school. You may remember a previous version of this scene. Sections of the book are being edited and revised, including the committee meeting introducing the various ringleaders in this cozy mystery set in fictional Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
“Geez Louise!” Robin exclaimed, lurching from her seat. “That sports car belongs to Bon Bon Jarvis. Don’t tell me she’s part of the committee!”
“Jack mentioned something about a Bon Bon somebody partnering with the Sidecar Tavern,” Dovie replied.
“Partnering how?” I asked, intrigued.
“I don’t know.”
“It would make sense. She’s a bonafide whiskey heiress,” Robin enthused. She and I moved closer to the window – the better to see you, my dear.
We watched as the first driver, a pleasant looking man with sandy hair and a big smile, exited and rounded the beige sedan with a jaunty step. His blue dress shirt matched his eyes.
“Vance Wardlow,” Robin offered, “head of the Business League.”
He opened the passenger door for a tall, angular lady carrying a basket. I recognized Naomi Upshaw immediately. She looked much the same as the last time I’d seen her, although I couldn’t recall exactly when that was. I had the impression she was one of those people born looking fifty-five.
A tall, sinewy woman, looking to be in her mid to late forties, stepped from the driver’s seat of the green SUV. She wore a starchy vintage pencil dress and gave the impression of competence and energy. Her backcombed, shellacked blonde bob wouldn’t budge in a hurricane. “Sandra Parton,” Robin whispered. “She owns a vintage clothing store. It’s very popular, especially with the heritage group and high school drama club.”
Dulcy Tolliver alighted from the passenger seat of the SUV. The current Heritage Club president, she was also committee chair for the Fall Pumpkin Fest. She was a mild-mannered, fluffy lady with rounded eyes and a perpetual smile. Robin had mentioned she was an officer in the genealogical club as well. I didn’t recognize the red-haired, festively dressed lady that emerged from the back seat.
My attention flashed to the tall, dashing woman making a graceful exit from the sports car. She was sleek from head to toe in a casual but fashionable outfit and chunky gold jewelry. Gleaming dark hair feathered against her shoulders. She stood for a moment and surveyed the inn before gliding toward the tearoom entrance. I whispered to Robin, “She cuts quite a figure.”
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the piece inspired by the word school. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2024 Flossie Benton Rogers
Excellent and great details woven through it. Well done.
Thanks, Susanne!
New characters! Yay! And we are treated to your spare, perceptive descriptions that say so much with so few words. I love it. Your writing is such a treat. Looking forward to getting to know these ladies. Love this, “rounded eyes and a perpetual smile.” Says so much with so little. Well done, lady.
Thanks so much, Jean! Tightening it up.
Loving all the descriptions of the ladies and this on especially pleased me and made me smile since I’ve seen some women like that! “Her backcombed, shellacked blonde bob wouldn’t budge in a hurricane. “
Glad you liked the hairspray lady! Thanks, Jillian.
Great description of the guests. Something tells me one of them knows something about the murder. Great job!
Thanks, Tricia!
And now you have me curious! Who is that woman??? Hmmmmm….
Great snippet, Flossie!
Glad you’re curious!