Welcome to Tuesday Tales, powered by a small group of authors, where word prompts inspire passages in the books we’re writing. Today’s word is flimsy. This snippet is from a cozy mystery set in fictional Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
I tried to make a flimsy excuse sound casual. “Luella, I’ve got to run upstairs for a minute. I’ll see you before you leave.”
Instead, I hurried to the front sitting room and approached Clancy Shoemaker, who had been texting a message, and asked, “How forthcoming was Luella?”
“I know you will. She swears she never hurt the murdered woman. She just now mentioned to me that all she ever did was grab her arm. I don’t know when she did that. She wouldn’t elaborate. Did she tell you?”
The lawyer frowned. “Grabbed her arm?” She straightened her spine. “She certainly did not tell me.”
“I encouraged her to keep nothing from you. Reinforce that, will you?”
“I have and certainly will do so again. We don’t need to be blindsided.”
“What about the supposed witness? Anything on that yet?”
“No, the rumors are flowing like wine, but the full story is being kept under wraps.”
She and Luella left soon after. I was torn between unpacking the suitcase that had sat stubbornly in my room for ten days and grabbing another coffee to work on my murder doodles. I pulled the notepad from my back pocket.
Two hours later, Roy called me. “I’m sorry to have to tell you this, Peri, but according to a deputy friend of mine, a storm cloud of evidence is gathering against Luella. He’s not privy to exactly what is going on, but that witness I told you about has apparently offered damaging evidence against her. The District Attorney hasn’t charged her yet—they’re still waiting on final autopsy results– but events are moving in that direction.”
My stomach sank to my kneecaps. “What’s taking so long for the autopsy?”
“The medical examiner is being extra thorough. You can bank on this turning into a high-profile murder case, Peri. The District Attorney is parading around like he’s in hog heaven because he’s sure he’s cracked it.”
I plopped into a chair. “Luella swore to me she didn’t hurt her.”
“Did you hire an attorney?”
“Who’d you get? Not some green graduate I hope.”
“The Shoemakers. Robin recommended them. Clancy Shoemaker is taking lead.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Would you please keep me posted if you find out anything else?”
“Will do. Keep it to yourself, well, naturally, between you and your twin menace, Robin.”
I assured him I would.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the piece inspired by the word flimsy. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2024 Flossie Benton Rogers
Poor Luella. Looks like someone is setting her up. Hope she and Clancy can get to the bottom of it. Great scene. Love the hog heaven metaphor.
I hope so, too. Glad you like the hog heaven. Thanks, Susanne! Have a wonderful trip!
Oh my goodness! Things are heating up and it looks like Luella is right in the middle and sitting on the hot seat. Did she do it? I’m not sure. I need to see the evidence. You are keeping me on the edge of my seat. I love this story, but I’m itching to know who did it and why!!
She is in hot water for sure. I hope Peri can sort it out. Thanks, Jean!
Great snippet!
Oh the plot keeps thickening against Luella. So much we still need to find out. Love how you used the prompt ‘flimsy’.
No! Please tell me there is some glitch so Peri finds out she’s innocent. Now I am so hooked. Great knob!
Thanks, Tricia!