Welcome to Tuesday Tales, powered by a small group of authors, where word prompts inspire passages in the books we’re writing. Today’s word is holiday. The excerpt is from a vintage 1950’s holiday WIP. When you finish reading, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Despite being bone tired, Sandra hadn’t slept more than forty winks. The tossing and turning in the feather bed meant for two had her feeling even more exhausted. She might as well give up and get a jump start on the day ahead. She clicked off the alarm button to prevent its ringing later and awakening Susie. Tossing back the covers, she shivered in the chilled air and quickly slipped into a chunky chenille bathrobe and bedroom slippers After brushing her teeth and splashing water onto her face, she padded back through her room and peeked around the corner into Susie’s room. Her daughter slept soundly on her stomach with one foot protruding from a cloud of blankets. Smiling, she tucked in the wayward tootsie.
Loathe to make coffee with night still a reality, she settled for a cup of hot tea, carrying it into the small public restaurant area in front of the kitchen and their bedrooms. She sipped it periodically while straightening chairs and wiping down tables. Thank goodness the hired girl, Nita, had swept the previous night. It was too cold this morning to kick up a herd of dust. She worked as quietly as possible to keep from waking Susie. With school being closed for the winter holiday, the little mite could sleep in, or as long as talkative early customers allowed. Napkin holders needed filling, as did salt and pepper shakers. After that, busy hands straightened the chips, crackers, and other items clipped to sale racks behind the counter. Refilling the cold drink case could wait. Clinking bottles would certainly spoil her daughter’s slumber.
She brushed down the ledge beneath the plate glass window and then, on a whim, plugged in the Christmas tree that adorned it. The town had not yet begun to stir, and hopefully no one would see it and tap on the door thinking she had opened early. Susie had picked out the tree and lights in her current favorite color, sky blue, when a traveling salesman came by last month. Only about four feet tall, the tree lit up the storefront perfectly. Susie had loved placing the silver garland and clumps of icicles. Sandra stood still for a moment admiring the festive result. The bulbs cast a blue glow over her skin. The frost-painted veins on the window even looked blue, matching the ones on her work-chafed hands.
Maybe she should wake Susie after all. She’d be excited that Jack Frost had visited. The whiz of a bicycle sounded outside and then a soft thump. On the outskirts of town, a rooster crowed. Laura sensed a shift in the air. The world was on the verge of daybreak. Time to dress, retrieve the paper from the sidewalk, and make a pot of coffee.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the piece inspired by the word holiday. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2024 Flossie Benton Rogers
Interested in learning what happens next.
Thank you, Susanne.
What a beautiful slice-of-life piece. I love your mystery, but this flows so well into the feeling of the season. A delightful surprise and lovely reminder of this time of year. Great job!
Thank you. It felt right for the day.
Beautiful scene. I can see all the environment as well as the sweet toe tucking in. Sweet. Jillian
Thank you. Glad you could see it.
I love the imagery of this scene. I can feel the cold and especially see the Christmas tree. Great job!