Welcome to Tuesday Tales, powered by a small group of authors, where word prompts inspire passages in the books we’re writing. Today’s word is mouse. You may remember a previous version of this scene. Sections of the book are being edited and revised, including the initial gathering that introduced the various ringleaders in this cozy mystery set in fictional Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
“Then she dares to come in here today, her little mouse nose twitching, wheedling for information. She’s wormwood!”
“She didn’t tell you she liked your cookies?”
Luella eyed me with disbelief. “Cookies? She doesn’t give a gnat’s wing about sweets. She came to see what I knew.”
“What you knew about what?”
“About my cousin’s accident and some trip he’d taken years ago to the East. She’s a phony- baloney. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if she caused the so-called accident.” She went back to her stirring with a vengeance. “I told you to look for a rock or a board.”
I blinked at her and, after a moment, said, “Still, you can’t be yelling at a guest, Luella. Okay?”
She didn’t reply, just stirred more vehemently. Hearing voices in the hallway, I hurried out. Robin’s efforts had soothed Vonna Lacy, and she appeared back to her normal self, aside from a rosy spot remaining in each cheek.
‘I’m sorry I got so upset, Peri,” Vonna offered. “I heard Luella doesn’t like people in her kitchen. I shouldn’t have intruded, I suppose.”
“Not at all,” I assured her, “I apologize for her outburst.”
She shrugged. “Everyone says how high-strung she is.”
The swinging door popped open from the tearoom, and Kitty marched in to join us. “Need help with anything, Peri?”
“No, no, everything is fine.” I took a step and made a shooing motion with my hands to encourage Kitty back through the door. Before Kitty turned to go, she and Vonna exchanged glares that reminded me of two lizards with their heads up and prepped to spit.
Oh lordy, first Luella and Vonna and now Kitty and Vonna. I murmured something innocuous and ushered everyone toward the tearoom door.
Robin gave me a look that said, can you believe these people?
We rejoined the guests. Judging by the sea of inquisitive faces, everyone had heard the rumpus in the hall, or at least Vonna’s initial shrill harangue. Dovie looked a question at me, and I gave her a reassuring smile. I hoped Vonna wouldn’t start blabbing to any allies in the room about the menace in the kitchen. She resumed her seat beside Skip and didn’t say anything about Luella’s tirade, for the moment at least, maybe because Kitty was on her bad list as well.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the piece inspired by the word mouse. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2024 Flossie Benton Rogers
:When Luella is around, the gloves come off and people’s true feelings come to the surface, it seems. Does she inspire that in others? I love this group of women and Tea Thyme and Glisten, Georgia. You make it feel so real.
Great observation. I think some people do have that innate talent of drawing out what’s behind the mask. Thanks so much.
I guess Vonna isn’t the most popular person around. Some people do bring out the worst in others. Luella doesn’t like her, that’s certain. Wonderful scene with lots of realism. Well done.
Their intrigues are slowly being shown. I am enjoying that!
Oooh, Vonna is kind of a snot. She certainly did something they don’t like. I love the interactions between them all. Great job!
LOL she is!