Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where writers use word and picture prompts in our stories. My current work in progress is a cozy mystery. This week’s word prompt is wood. Events occur at the August Crow Hotel, Peri’s former childhood home, in Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Dovie set about removing cups and saucers from a cabinet. “Peri, do you know Naomi Upshaw?”
I considered. “I know of her. She’s a fixture in Glisten.”
“With an aristocratic thumb in every pie,” Robin muttered wryly.
Dovie placed our cups on the tray and poured tea and coffee.
Her hands revealed a slight tremble, which made me wonder just how exhausted she was. I shooed her away. “Robin and I will play mother. Why don’t you go on and sit down?”
She managed a wan smile. “I suppose I do need a break. My energy level is a little low. Naomi and the committee won’t be here for half an hour. I’m going to text that nurse, too.” She headed toward the tearoom.
I asked, “May we have some of your delicious smelling snickerdoodles, Luella?”
Robin’s eyes lit up, and she licked her lips. I knew she was as empty as I was. Our meager breakfast coffee and protein bar were long gone.
I was struck by the power and commonality of food. Seeing the end result of Luella’s baking efforts made me feel kindly toward her. She had worked her head off, and we were about to reap the reward. Plus, this was the most amiable I had seen her. Was it because she was doing something she loved, or what?
“Why don’t you join us, Luella.” I asked. “You must need a break by now.”
She shook her head and wagged a thumb toward a large bowl of dry ingredients. “Six dozen thumbprints in the works. Can’t let the flour deflate.”
I nodded, as if I knew the danger of deflated flour, and hefted the drinks tray.
“I’ll bring the cookies.” Robin steadied the platter between her forearm and waist and helped herself to a snickerdoodle with her free hand. A king-sized bite immediately disappeared. “Mmm, these are delicious, Luella.”
Luella’s lips parted to reveal two rows of small square teeth. Her unique version of a smile had briefly replaced her usual wooden expression.
We made our way into the tearoom.
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the snippet inspired by wood. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2023 Flossie Benton Rogers
Another engaging snippet. I’d love to join them for tea and cookies.
Oh, let’s do that one day, Loretta! A tea and cookie outing!
A scene that flows beautifully, Flossie. And I got a good chuckle out of “With an aristocratic thumb in every pie,” LOL!
LOL I’m glad the aristocratic thumb line gave you a chuckle– thanks so much. It’s really good to see you out and about, Mae!
🙂 🤗 💕
Great snippet!
Yum. Now I want a snickerdoodle, too. Never had one, but I’m going to explore the possibilities. Love your descriptions — so perceptive, as usual. The wooden expression and so on. Always vivid enough to create images in my mind.
They are delicious, especially during the autumn. I’m glad you could see images in your mind– thank you!
Welp, now I want a cookie!! AND funny, when I first saw your sentence for the blog, I was wondering how many people got arrested in your snippet for there to be a need to take six thumbprints. LOL Jillian
six dozen, I meant! LOL
I always want a cookie! Hahaha you cracked me up with the thumbprints, Jillian!
I love how you described her expression that changed, and then flashed back to her wooden expression. Great snippet! I enjoyed reading it.
Thanks, Trisha, I’m unsure if I can play with that one some more.
Hi Flossie! I tried to comment on your post from last week. But twice it told me ‘Nonce verification failed.’ Whatever that means.
But what I wanted to say was how much I LOVED this phrase:
“…fall masqueraded as a shy, retiring lady mincing her way across a shadowy, cloud-dimmed afternoon. ”
I looked it up, and it talked about clearing cache. Ugh– tech! I’m so glad you liked the phrase– thanks for telling me!
The small interaction makes me like Luella more. And who doesn’t love cookies! Great job!
Right?! At least she makes delicious cookies.