Tuesday Tales 2023-8-1 Cold

August already! Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where writers use word and picture prompts in our stories. My current work in progress is a cozy mystery. This week’s word prompt is cold. Events occur at the August Crow Hotel, Peri’s former childhood home, in Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

We joined them just as Dovie asked, “Is there an attachment long enough to reach but small enough to fit in the groove of the ledge?” I didn’t know how anyone could see dust so far up, even in bright sunlight, but cleaning seemed to be a fixation with Dovie at the moment.

Kitty replied, “Should be,” and leaned over to rummage in the satchel. “If not, I can stand on a ladder and swipe it with a cloth.” After a few moments of searching, she pulled out a long attachment with a crook on one end.

Dovie continued with instructions. “Also, Kitty, would you please check the entryways and spruce them up if needed? There’s no telling who will stop by to see what’s going on, and we want the place to look as presentable as possible.”

“I’ve twinkled the tearoom entry and will do the others.”

Figuring this was a good time to relay Luella’s message about Naomi Upshaw calling, I did so, noting the dismay on Dovie’s features.

Robin asked Dovie, “Do you think Mrs. Upshaw will call again today?”

“Probably, or she and the committee could stop by unannounced on the chance I’m here.”

Kitty spoke up. “Mrs. Douglas, I know you’re busy. I’d be happy to play hostess for the committee today. I have a special interest, since Twinkle Cleaning joined the Chamber and I volunteered my services for the festival.”

“That’s a smart move for your business,” Robin told her.

“Yes,” Dovie said, “You’ll make good contacts, and it’s kind of you to offer to help.” She fluttered fingers at me. “Peri will be here though. She’ll be overseeing things when Jack and I can’t.”

Kitty’s large blue eyes came over to me. Was it my imagination, or was her regard a few shades colder than before?  

“Peri,” Dovie continued, “I know you haven’t had much of a chance to look around and get your bearings, but can you think of any other priorities for Kitty?”

I cleared my throat. She seemed to be insistent on throwing the ball to my court. “It may have already been seen to, but the bathrooms should be spic and span, especially the public one by the tearoom.”

“I twinkled that one this morning before you arrived,” Kitty declared.

Worried lines disappeared from Dovie’s forehead. “Thank you, Kitty. And you’ll see to the others before you leave?”

“Of course.” She lifted the vacuum attachment toward the dusty ledge.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the snippet inspired by cold. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!

Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories

All rights reserved, copyright @ 2023 Flossie Benton Rogers

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


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