Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where writers use word and picture prompts in our stories. My current work in progress is a cozy mystery. This week’s word prompt is anxious. Events occur at the August Crow Hotel, Peri’s former childhood home, in Glisten, Georgia. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
I glanced at the array of suitcases and shot Robin a skeptical look. “From where I stand, I brought a lot. Not everything, of course, mostly clothes and projects I’m working on. Remember, my lease in Jacksonville is in effect for another three months. By then, Jack could be well, Tea Thyme could have reopened as a successful business, and my work here could be done.”
“And you could move back to Florida.” Her mouth drooped, and her tone sounded anxious.
“Who knows? I mean, I’m thrilled to be here, especially to hang out with you. I came up to help my godfather, but I don’t really know what’s in his mind. He may intend to sell the hotel once he gets it in shape.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think so. Not the way Dovie described it.”
“Maybe, but there’s no way I could transport everything in my car in one shot anyway. I’m just hoping the pal I took the tour for yesterday follows through on finding someone to sublet for me.”
“But you are open to living up here again, right?”
I looked her square in the eyes. “Yes. I’m open to it but not counting on it. Let’s see what happens.” I spread my arms wide, grinned, and invoked the heavens. “Dame Fortune, spin the wheel!”
Her eyes lit up, and she wagged a finger at me. “You dressed as Dame Fortune once for the Pumpkin Festival!”
Laughing, I answered, “I did. The same year you were Annabelle Lee, and the boys–” I broke off, shocked I’d been about to mention them so easily.
Just then a clambering noise sounded in the hall, and we hurried out to inspect. Kitty stood with a hand on her hip and the vacuum cleaner by her feet. The zip-up bag holding attachments had fallen over and was sprawled half-open on the floor. She picked up a small bat that had fallen out and was stuffing it back in. I frowned, thinking it looked like one I had seen a club bouncer brandish back in the day.
Dovie stood with her back to us as we approached, pointing to a high, narrow ledge that crisscrossed part of the wall. “I know there’s a mountain of dust up there, from when the sun hits it a certain way.”
Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed the snippet inspired by anxious. If you haven’t done so already, check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2023 Flossie Benton Rogers
Another great post. I hope she finds a sub letting friend so she can move back. It seems to be the right place for her and she is definitely wanted! Jillian
I’m glad she might be staying. And a bat in a bag of vacuum attachments? Hmmm. Great job!
Hmm, what is that bat doing there? I have my suspicions about Kitty and next week’s post confirms it. Looking forward to finding out more.