Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. The picture prompt I chose this week depicts a cat. The excerpt is from Silver’s Angel, a Paranormal Romance in the Wytchfae Series. When you finish reading it, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Lucien yanked a tee shirt over his head, slung the duffel bag onto a shoulder, and headed along the shoreline back toward the hotel. Pewter white sand stuck to his toes. He glanced at the lifeguard station, standing empty at this hour. The crowd of beachgoers had also thinned out. In between buildings he peered toward the west. The red ball of a setting sun bobbled on the horizon, as if uncertain whether to stay or go. It shrieked its aria toward the east in brilliant crimson and gold. He found himself whistling. The brisk swim had done him some good, including the challenging pull of an undertow between the two caution buoys. He was energized and, somehow, things were looking up. With evening approaching and the tide starting to come in, it was time to shower and prepare for tonight’s show.
While tussling with a mound of sand to reach the steps, ferocious snarls and hisses hit his ears. The image of the white Persian the doorman had thumped popped into his head. He hurried toward the commotion. A huge gray cat had the Persian cornered against a stack of boards. The little Persian spit and hissed with reckless abandon, her back arched and her hair electrified.
Lucien swung the duffel bag into the space between them, nudging it against the handsome but menacing gray. The gray hissed once and ran off. Lucien turned to the Persian, now shivering but with gleams of fire still in her eyes as she stared toward the departing gray.
“Just how big do you think you are?” Lucien inquired, shaking his head.
She swiveled to look up at him, and blinked, her bluebonnet eyes rounding with what he swore was pleased recognition. If cats could smile…
I hope you enjoyed the snippet incorporating the picture prompt of a cat. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
As ever, your description is amazing! I love reading your work because you create such vivid images for me. Love the cat fight, too and Lucien to the rescue!
I’m so glad you enjoyed the description and cat fight. That picture is great for inspiration. I wanted to use the “tavern” one and the pink champagne stiletto, too!
You’ve left me wanting to find out what happens next. Bravo!
Thanks, Loretta!
Love this line. It shrieked its aria toward the east in brilliant crimson and gold. What great imagery and the look of recognition in the cat’s eyes? I can live with that. Great scene.
So glad you love the line. Isn’t it cool when things pop out? I am so taken with that picture, too. It inspired me for another character.
Another fabulous snippet, Flossie. And, wow, do I love the photo. Your excerpt is a perfect match!
Thank you, Mae!
Aww. I love it. Cats are my jam!! AND I have been required to referee many a hissy fit from cats that hang out at my office. Great way to work in the picture. Jillian
I know, it’s amazing all the kitties that make your office their comfortable hangout. You give them a good place. They must have disagreements from time to time.
They def so have disagreements. We do love them. <3
I’m sure your hospitality and caring are their touchstone.
Aww. Thanks.
I love how he converses with the cat like they know each other. And it’s even better that she seems to respond. Great job!
Sneaky little kitty, eh? Thank you.