Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. The word prompt this week is anxious. The excerpt is from Silver’s Angel, a Paranormal Romance in the Wytchfae Series. When you finish reading it, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Hugo was flying to Japan? She’d have time to herself before the upcoming shoot at St. Barts! Her cheeks heated as she strained to keep relief from flooding her face.
His eyes narrowed. “Well?”
Oh, duh, he was waiting on an answer. “Of course I’ll follow the prescribed regimen and be tip top for the campaign, as you say. When is the St. Barts flight?”
“On the 14th. I’ll get Japan hammered out and be back before then. If not, I’ll meet you on the island. Bebe Branch has pulled out all the stops with this swimsuit line. Do the math. There’s a crap load at stake. You know how you get pre-shoot. Anxious like the last damn leaf in a windstorm, and then all hell breaks loose. We can’t afford that. The schedule must run like clockwork. Do what Elise says.” He wagged a finger. “And absolutely no funny business.”
Her abdomen lurched at his oblique reference to an unfortunate incident from last year. She was all too familiar with the bubble in her chest that appeared out of the blue before a performance or important event. Talking about it with Hugo wouldn’t help matters any. She made her voice upbeat. “I’ll be fine. Florida is a perfect place to relax on the beach and get in the zone, and St. Barts is drop dead heaven. No one could object to it.”
His expression said he wasn’t totally convinced, but he nodded once and then jerked his attention toward the stage, where things were happening.
Angel swiveled to take it in. She found herself caught up in the excitement. After thanking the audience, the members of the opening act withdrew. Crew and tech scurried–removing, adding, and tweaking. The background music deepened. Applause surged over the room, settling into a rhythmic clap. One by one–Silver took the stage.
Stalk bounded on first and grounded the beat with a thudding bass drum. A tuft of platinum hair flopping over one eye served to keep time. She didn’t know the names of the guitarists, but the lanky bass guitarist came on next, followed by rhythm, and then the lead with his bushel of curly red hair. Each took up their instruments, while the background music lowered in volume. There was a surge of whoops and whistles as the crowd awaited Lucien Silver. It was to wild applause that he took center stage, his eyes glinting under dark, slanted brows, his lips slowly curving into a killer grin. He hoisted over his shoulder the sturdy strap of a silver Gretsch.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet incorporating the word anxious. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
Oooh, a new Lucien Silver snippet. I always enjoy when he makes an appearance. Another good one, Flossie!
Thank you for enjoying Lucien Silver, Mae!
Fabulous description of Silver taking the stage! I could feel the excitement and see their entrances. And as she talked, I got how nervous she would be and am looking forward to how she’s going to resolve that and not blow the shoot. Great Story!
I’m glad you liked the band coming on stage and her uncertainty. Thank you for commenting!
Love this visual: Anxious like the last damn leaf in a windstorm,
And let’s hope the hot, sexy musician is going to sweep her off her feet and she can get shed of the jerk! Jillian
I love this: Great visual: Anxious like the last damn leaf in a windstorm,
and let’s hope the sexy, hot musician is going to sweep her off her feet so she can get shed of the jerk. Jillian
I know, what a pill Hugo is being!
You’ve really captured the scene with the musicians taking their place on the stage. And letting us in on the characters motivations too. Great snippet!
Oh, good, I was hoping that sounded realistic. Thanks, Trisha.
I love the way you lead into the show. And why do I think she’s going to get into trouble? Great job!
She’ll never tell!