Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts based on word and picture prompts. The picture prompt this week is leaves. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
The loss of blood had sapped his strength, and he found himself leaning on Lana more heavily than he liked. “Pardon, lass. This damnable game leg.”
She flashed him a quick, startled glance and then refocused on the trail. “No worries. I have my second wind now.”
Indeed, throughout the most recent ordeal, she had offered nary a complaint. She merely set her jaw, steeled her spine, and took as much of his weight as she could. He found his admiration growing. It seemed her determination increased with each new obstacle. Still, well he knew there was a limit to her endurance. She needed sleep, as did he. Hugo Keech was likely to rally his kin for reinforcements. Added to that was the rapidly chilling temperature. Brilliant red leaves crunched beneath their feet. Nightfall would bring a sharp drop in temperature. They needed a place to rest and take cover.
After a long while, the wooded path that had been straight took on a winding pattern. Tor scanned the skyline. An old memory surfaced. A grove of ash trees formed a tight circle that thinned out toward the yew on the far crag. The arrangement was familiar. He had explored here as a boy. If he could but remember. Then he had it.
“Hold.” He halted, a groan escaping. Placing a palm on a sturdy trunk, he shifted his weight to offer her some relief.
As she paused with him, her face turned to up to his, and its paleness pricked his insides. “Is the pain worse? I need to look at that dressing. If only we could find a secluded place.”
“I’m thinking the same.” He fought to keep weariness from his tone.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture of leaves. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
Great scene. So now they’re working together. Hope they find shelter soon.
I hope their camaraderie continues.
Nicely done with the photo. Hope they can find shelter and get his wound tended to. Jillian
It’s hard thinking of medicine in the Middle Ages vs now, isn’t it?
Wonderful snippet!!
Thank you!
This scene worked in perfectly with the picture prompt. Great job!
Picture prompts shake things up, don’t they?
I love that his heart is changing about her. I hope they get to safety soon. Great job!
An opening heart always gives me a shiver.
Oh no!! Where do they find a secluded spot?? I have to wait a whole week? Wicked, very wicked of you!! LOL. Love this story.
Heh heh, I’m not sure where they are going.