Greetings and welcome to picture prompt week! This is Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts based on word or picture prompts. I hope our efforts provide some entertaining moments for you. The picture I selected this week is bread. I continue with Soul Weaver featuring Resa, younger sister of the Fates, and war god Rhade. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
“Oomph!” Resa jerked back a few steps, holding tight to her revolver. She had edged too close to the three-headed hellhound, further enraging the snarling beast.
A disembodied voice called out. “Gun won’t do squat. Watch the corners. The middle head is the least likely to chow down on you.”
She peered into the darkness behind the creature. “Who’s there?”
A stranger’s ruddy face bobbled up a fair distance behind the hellhound. He glared at her with one eye. The other was covered in a tattered black patch. “I am, missy, and I belong here. You don’t!”
“I need to get inside the cave. Lives depend on it. Can you help me subdue this monster?”
“Afeared not, missy.”
“Why did you say a gun is no good? Is the magic so strong that nothing can kill it?”
“Spatter one ugly phiz and another sprouts right up.”
“Oh, crap. I forgot. Are you trapped back there?”
“Nope. I’m the guard.”
Her brow furrowed. “I don’t think he needs a guard.”
His bulbous lips pressed together, and she caught a gleam of malice in his one visible eye. “Not his guard, missy. The master’s guard. As for this hound, I take his leftovers to Charon.”
A tingle ran down her spine. Rhade had talked about a one-eyed man in connection with the ferryman, Charon. It was the night they’d had cocktails along with spaghetti and fresh bread from Maria’s. She racked her brain to recall the tale. She thought he had made it up, but maybe not. “Is your name Sazerac?” she inquired politely.
His eye widened. “How do you know me?”
She debated. He could be on either side. “I’m a friend of Rhade’s. He thought you were back in New Orleans.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture of bread. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
Great scene. I love the way you modernize these myths.
Oh, thank you, Susanne! I’m glad you like the modern take on the myths.
Most interesting. I especially loved the dialogue. You excel as always, Flossie!
I’m glad you found it interesting, Mae. Thank you for stopping by and being supportive.
Very good – as usual. Great scene that I could envision as you revealed it line by line.
I’m glad you could envision it. Thank you!
A great way to paint the scene. By the dialogue I felt like I was there. Great job!
Thank you!