November appears to be rushing by as fast as October. Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. The word prompt this week is pan. The excerpt is from Silver’s Angel, a paranormal fantasy romance in the Wytchfae Series. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Angel relaxed in the shower, allowing the hot stream of water to massage her shoulders. Thoughts of Lucien Silver continued to intrude. There had been a group of people around last night, and the evening had been casual. She’d had a good time. Lucien was different away from the stage but still brimming with inner fire. Her blood hummed when she was around him. He was dangerous, at least to her. What would he say—or do—if he found out the truth?
Tonight would be different with Hugo back. She was glad her younger brother was here to run interference, despite his own fondness for misadventure.
After dressing and arranging her hair into a manageable presentation, she opened a small burgundy velvet box. She tucked a lock of hair behind an ear and, feeling her way, inserted an earring. She managed to fasten it without the minuscule back bouncing onto the floor, as it did half the time.
A signature knock sounded, and Eddie poked his head in. “Really?” he inquired, a boatload of impatience in his voice, “you’re still not ready?” He came in and closed the door.
She inserted the earring’s mate and inspected the result in the mirror. A corner of her lip turned up at the glints of dazzle. “You can never have too much sparkle.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Hugo is down there waiting, and now he’s on another phone call. We’ll never get to the club.”
She caught his eyes in reflection. “It’s a long drive, not my favorite spot, and you shouldn’t be going to a gambling place anyway, Eddie.”
“He invited me for once, and it’ll be fun. You go from purring kitten to wild cat to wet hen. What am I going to do with you?”
“Oh, that’s rich. What are you going to do with me?” She turned, hands on hips. “Hugo allowed you to come as gofer. Granted, it’s not a career, but it got you out of the trouble back home.” She waggled a finger. “How much longer do you think your so-called lucky talisman will protect you if Hugo gets wind of your stunts?”
Eddie pulled up the chain around his neck and studied the charm in the shape of Pan. His lips stretched into a smile. “Won this in a one-draw. It’s sterling.” He slipped it beneath his shirt. “Not to worry, sis, the old goatherd still has the touch.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet incorporating the word pan. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
What a great way to use the prompt. Bravo!
Thanks! Glad you liked the Pan.
Brilliant use of the word prompt!! Love the interchange between brother and sister, too. Well done.
Thank you. Glad you liked the Pan!
LOL on the purring cat to wet hen. Love it. And I love your clever use of Pan. Very cool! This story is awesome. Jillian
Thanks so much, Jillian. I am glad you are liking the story. I can’t wait to see these two finish coming to life together.
Ooh, thanks!
I was hoping someone would use Pan that way! I am very intrigued about the siblings. I can’t wait to read more!
Thanks! Glad you like the Pan!