Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. The word prompt this week is mint. The excerpt is from Silver’s Angel, a paranormal fantasy romance in the Wytchfae Series. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
“Some of the guys accepted an invitation to hang out on the beach this evening. Hot dogs and brews were mentioned, as well as a campfire. It’s not anywhere near winter, but there is a chill on the wind. Want to go?”
Her eyes lit up. “I’d love it. Is that why you have your guitar with you?”
He patted the instrument strapped over his shoulder and replied in a solemn tone, “This is my old faithful. Second one I ever owned.”
“Old friends can’t be beat.”
“New friends are nice, too.”
She looked into his eyes for a moment, her chest rising with an inhale, and then said, “Yes, they are.” She turned and squinted at the “You Are Here” map on the wall. “Which way? Through the hotel or down the underpass?”
“Stalk said the underpass comes out near where they’re setting up.” He spread an arm, his fingers around the neck of the guitar. “Lead the way. I’ll walk shotgun.”
She had already started off. The tinkle of her laughter floated back at him. “You’re a funny guy.”
He cast an appreciative eye as she led the way down the two-lane quasi tunnel leading outside. Vague snippets from the group heading in the opposite direction caught his ears, but he couldn’t sort out what they were saying, not with Angel’s hips swaying in front of him. She was walking normally, not in any kind of catwalk mode. Still, he’d never seen anyone tread the ground so effortlessly and maintain a wiggle like that. Her jean-clad bottom was setting off a wildfire inside him. If he had a seismic detector in his pocket, it would be blasting out a red alert.
The get-together was fun and noisy. People came and went. Everyone enjoyed hot dogs, chips and other tidbits, and drinks, of course. He discovered that Angel didn’t care for beer but found a couple of wine coolers among the chilled bottles. Now dark was settling in, and the cheery yellow fingers licking the fire pit drew most folks closer. A few, wanting to be alone, drifted to the periphery. He liked seeing their shadows huddled together, flickering on the sand in the fire light.
He pulled his guitar to the front and strummed a few notes of one of their best-known ballads, humming and then half-singing the words.
Angel scooted forward, tucking in her bare feet.
“Sing with me, Angel. Jump in on the chorus.”
Her eyes widened. She hurriedly rummaged in her pocket and popped in a mint. She sucked at it, her lips pursing, and then offered, regret in her voice, “Don’t disown me, Lucien, but I can’t sing a lick.”
I hope you enjoyed the snippet incorporating the word prompt mint. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
Love the normalcy of this scene, especially this image: Angel scooted forward, tucking in her bare feet. For the record, I can’t sing to save my soul.
I can’t sing either! I bet Angel can sing better than I.
oooh pressure to sing… one of my nightmares. LOL! I love, love, this line: cheery yellow fingers licking the fire pit – you have such a wonderful way with words. Beautiful. Jillian
Me, too, with the singing. My sister had a beautiful voice, but not me. I’m tickled you like those words. Thanks, Jillian!
Something else we have in common, LOL! No singing…. And I do love your words. So lovely.
Great use of the word prompt! Love how they are growing together and that he doesn’t miss a trick when it comes to how attractive she is!! Looking forward to more.
Love the scene. I felt like I was on the beach with them. Great job!
We could use a beach trip. Thanks!