Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. The word prompt this week is plant. This snippet is from Silver’s Angel, a paranormal romance in the Wytchfae Series. When you finish reading it, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.

Lucien mopped his face, wound the towel into a tight cord, and lobbed it at the discard cart against the wall. He and Cody made their way out of the fitness pit and headed to a table on the portside lanai. “The sun is barely up. I’m not used to exercising first thing in the morning. Good workout though.” He reached out to issue a bro shove at his friend’s shoulder.
“Watch it! I can already feel the soreness creeping on.”
“Okay, old man. Time for coffee and juice before we hit the showers, or do you want me to buzz the trainer for a liniment rubdown?”
Cody scoffed and collapsed in a chair, crossing a sneakered foot over the opposite knee. “Coffee. I need about a gallon. Jump rope, can you believe it? That’s like from another lifetime, man.”
After a waiter had taken their orders, Lucien observed. “Back then it was fun. Keep at it, and you’ll be shipshape by the time this tug gets to the island.”
“Tug! Funny name for this liner.” He glanced around at the pristine deck. “It’s high-class. You’re pissed that Hugo Waring came through, aren’t you?”
“That twerp.” The waiter brought their order. Lucien gulped juice, greedy for the sensation it dealt his parched throat. Next time he’d remember to have more than one bottle of water available. “To be honest, I’m appreciative and pissed.”
Cody sighed, coddling his cup. “What’s new? You’re a conflicted guy.”
“Who would’ve thought–” Lucien broke off at the sight of Angel on the Oasis platform a few yards away. She and several other women had appeared and were skittering around cheerfully. They unrolled purple mats and looked to be about to exercise. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and her face glowed with a freshly scrubbed look. How could she look so good this early?”
She turned and saw him. A mischievous smile crinkled the corners of her eyes. “Morning, fellas. Care to join our yoga session?”
Lucien smiled back. “We’ve already done the exercise bit. I’ll take a raincheck if you’re offering one.”
She winked and then turned away from him toward the east, where a rubied sun danced between sea and sky. The others did the same. Hands came together at chest level as in prayer. “Ready?” Her voice sounded strong and on point. The wink was still shooting electric zings in his belly. He was unable to look away.
She continued, slowly and firmly. A vision of grace, her body mimed the words as she led the group. “Sun salutation. Inhale. Exhale. Stand tall. Feet apart. Plant those toes sturdy on the ground. Hands at your side. Inhale. Reach for the sky.” She lifted her arms toward heaven.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet incorporating the word prompt plant. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
Great post. Yoga in the morning on the deck of a ship sounds heavenly–as long as I wouldn’t have to get down on the mat and up again.
The “pool boy” would stand by to help all of us!
Wonderful post! As a yogi myself I can only imagine the serenity of unfurling my mat on the deck of a ship. Le sigh.
I know– wouldn’t that be a great interlude?!
Love your descriptions of the sun and the convo between the men. As always, you paint a perfect picture. Great job!
I appreciate the positive words, Jean!
I’m tired from all this working out and thirsty too just from reading this. So vivid, I feel like I was there doing my clumsy version of yoga! Well done. Jillian
Thanks so much, Jillian. It made me thirsty, too.
Now I’m in the mood to go grab the yoga mat that’s feeling very neglected tucked away inside the closet.
Great scene. I LOVED this phrase — where a rubied sun danced between sea and sky. Beautiful!
Right?!! Maybe it’s time to drag out the mat. Glad you like the phrase. Thank you!
I love your descriptions of the scene. And yoga in the morning sounds amazing. Great job!
Good ole yoga!