Tuesday Tales: Writing String

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring authors posting excerpts from works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is string. Enjoy the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales. I climbed the stairs, fleetingly aware of the old portraits, landscapes, and other small… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing String

Tuesday Tales: Writing Victorian

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring authors posting excerpts from works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s picture prompt is a lovely dressing room in Victorian style. Enjoy the other talented authors of Tuesday Tales. A subtle cloud of Chanel No. 5 wafted… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing Victorian

Tuesday Tales: Writing Steady

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors posting excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. I’m pleased you stopped by today. This week’s word prompt is steady. My snippet is from a medieval romance featuring a knight and his lady. I’m excited to work in my favorite… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing Steady

Fae Friday: Gratitude to the Angels of Mercy, Gods of Healing–and Elvis

GRATITUDE TO THE ANGELS OF MERCY, GODS OF HEALING–AND ELVIS Warning: scary stuff. Two weeks ago I awoke at 6:30 A.M. and thought to sneak in another hour and half of ZZZZZZs. Something was wrong, though. My right hand was limp like a jellyfish, and I couldn’t move it or my right foot. Realizing I… Continue reading Fae Friday: Gratitude to the Angels of Mercy, Gods of Healing–and Elvis

Fae Friday: Roses Inside a Writer’s Mind

On a golden dawn in the dawn sublime Of years ere the stars had ceased to sing, Beautiful out of the sea-deeps cold Aphrodite arose—the Flower of Time.  by Victor James Daley Research is always fun. Sometimes you come across tidbits of information that you long to use one way or another, even if they… Continue reading Fae Friday: Roses Inside a Writer’s Mind

Fierce Writer: Unlock Your MICE Quotient

The inimitable Orson Scott Card’s MICE Quotient is a method of looking at stories and creating story structure. As writers our role is to provide a rewarding experience for the reader. Whatever format or master plan you currently use to shape a compelling story, taking a look at your story through the lens of MICE… Continue reading Fierce Writer: Unlock Your MICE Quotient

Tuesday Tales: Writing Rain

Welcome to Tuesday Tales, a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry troop that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today our picture prompt is rain. My excerpt is from one of my books in progress, Hannah’s Haint,… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Writing Rain