Tuesday Tales 2023-2-7 Smoke

In old Ireland spring began on February 1, the halfway point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The holiday was known as Imbolc, meaning “in the belly,” the time when ewes were lambing. Brigid, later blended with Saint Brigid, was the associated patron goddess. Ireland is officially celebrating a Saint Brigid / Imbolc holiday again,… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2023-2-7 Smoke

Tuesday Tales 2023-1-31 Safe

January is all over but the crying. Eleven more and it’s Christmas again! Time now to get ready for Tuesday Tales, January 31, 2023. This is where authors write excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. I am working on a cozy mystery. The word this week is safe. When you finish reading my snippet, make… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2023-1-31 Safe

Tuesday Tales 2023-1-24 Green

Over the weekend we had a New Moon in Capricorn to start off a fresh monthly cycle. We also had a Chinese New Year in the sign of the Black Water Rabbit. Now it’s time to get ready for Tuesday Tales, January 24, 2023! This is where authors write excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts.… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2023-1-24 Green

Tuesday Tales 2023-1-17 Picture Staircase

The temperature was 30 degrees last night. Marigold, my sweet calico, was bundled up pretty well, and so was I. Here comes Tuesday Tales to warm you up, January 17, 2023! This is where authors write excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. I am working on a cozy mystery. The picture prompt is the interesting… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2023-1-17 Picture Staircase

Tuesday Tales 2023-1-10 Pot

Snuggle up for Tuesday Tales, January 10, 2023! This is where authors write excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. I am working on a cozy mystery. The word prompt is pot. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales. “The Sheriff wants to ask you a few… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2023-1-10 Pot

Tuesday Tales 2023-1-3 Pillow

I wish you New Year’s blessings for good health, family fun, and prosperity in 2023! Snuggle up for Tuesday Tales, where authors write excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. Today I am working on a cozy mystery. The word prompt is pillow. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2023-1-3 Pillow

Tuesday Tales 2022-12-27 Storm

We’re having a cold December in central Florida, with low temperatures below freezing for three days now. We received a winter blessing– kissed not only by Jack Frost but by Old Man Winter himself, just in time for Christmas. Heartbreakingly, I know it’s severe and dangerous in some places, and I pray you are staying… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2022-12-27 Storm

Sharing #PenDames 2022 December

Sharing Pen Dames 2022 December post: How Does a Book Heroine Celebrate December? Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, or a different celebration…continue reading. Hope you enjoyed the Pen Dames fun! Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

Tuesday Tales 2022-12-20 Star

December is a wonderful time of year, especially for Sagittarians! Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. Today I am working on a cozy mystery I started last year. The word prompt is star. When you finish reading my snippet, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday… Continue reading Tuesday Tales 2022-12-20 Star