Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their WIPs based on word and picture prompts. Today’s prompt is the word ghostly. This week we switch to a work in progress I’m temporarily calling by the heroine’s name, Shale. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales. Shale’s right… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Shale 10-28-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tag: WIP
Tuesday Tales: Demoness Dreams 10-7-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their WIPs based on word and picture prompts. Today’s word prompt is short. This week we switch to a work in progress entitled Demoness Dreams. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales. Tossing down her satchel, Neva sank cross legged… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Demoness Dreams 10-7-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales: 9-30-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their WIPs based on word and picture prompts. I am honored to be in the group. Today’s word prompt is pretty. The snippet is from a new novella based on supporting characters from the 5th Wytchfae book. Although I haven’t named it… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 9-30-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales: Lucien Silver 9-24-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Thanks to the inspiration of Tuesday Tales and Secret Cravings Publishing, today I start a new novella based on supporting characters in Lord of Fire. Although I haven’t named it yet, the story is a prequel to the appearance of these characters in Lord of Fire. The above picture is our prompt for this week.… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Lucien Silver 9-24-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales: Lord of Fire 9-9-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
TUESDAY TALES – Each week a group of authors bands together to share snippets of our works in progress. Visit the other fabulous authors. My excerpt comes from my paranormal romance, Lord of Fire – starring warrior hero Gabriel Hawk and Wytchfae heroine Garnet McAnna. In this scene Gabriel and a fae familiar named Angel… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Lord of Fire 9-9-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales: Lord of Fire 7-22-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
TUESDAY TALES – Each week a group of authors bands together to share snippets of our works in progress. Visit the other fabulous authors here. My snippet comes from Lord of Fire – Wytchfae 5, a WIP soon to be submitted. This week’s word prompt is BLOOM. The forest track broadened to a wider dirt… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: Lord of Fire 7-22-2014 by Flossie Benton Rogers
Tuesday Tales: 7-1-2014 Kestrel by Flossie Benton Rogers
TUESDAY TALES – Each week a group of authors bands together to share snippets of our works in progress. Visit the other fabulous authors here. My snippet comes from Kestrel, a WIP I’m just now revisiting from 2011 NaNoWriMo. This week’s word prompt is SEA. Expressionless, Kestrel eyed the terror stricken prisoner crouching before her… Continue reading Tuesday Tales: 7-1-2014 Kestrel by Flossie Benton Rogers
Hump Day Hook
“Fire to thaw that ruddy snow, to break enchanted ice.” Ralph Waldo Emerson This snippet is from a paranormal fantasy WIP: Holding her breath, Marceline pressed her thumb against the inner recesses of the cedar box. There was still a chance. She glanced down at her sister, whose eyes brightened despite the shadows beneath. Meggie hadn’t given up,… Continue reading Hump Day Hook
Hump Day Hook: Mara
In celebration of May Day, this week’s snippet is from a fantasy WIP entitled Mara. Comment on this post for a chance to win a free rune reading. My sister died before she could tell me the secret that would save our family, and maybe the earth as we know it. Her skin had burned my arm… Continue reading Hump Day Hook: Mara
Hump Day Hook
A Succubus in danger. A captivated undersea Guardian. Welcome to the 11th Hump Day Hook of 2013. In this blog hop, each author posts one paragraph from a book or WIP. Find a list of splendid HDH authors here. Everyone would love a comment and for their post to be liked and tweeted. Join the HDH Facebook page. The following is from… Continue reading Hump Day Hook