Vintage Friday: Tea and Cupcakes

Happy Friday, everyone! Today I am visiting with my friend Dylan Newton on  her blog. It’s giveaway time too! For a chance to win a free copy of my paranormal romance Mind  Your Goddess, click on the following link, go to Dylan’s blog, and leave a comment. If you already own the book, you can… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Tea and Cupcakes

Vintage Friday: Medieval Gyngerbrede

Medieval gyngerbrede or gingerbread is more like candy than the modern cake with which we are familiar. It is one of the sweet treats mentioned in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: “They fette hym first the sweete wyn, and mede eek in a mazelyn, and roial spicerye of gyngebreed that was ful fyn, and lycorys, and eek comyn,… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Medieval Gyngerbrede

Vintage Friday: Irish Chocolate Cake 1950

IRISH CHOCOLATE CAKE You can’t beat a super moist, old-fashioned chocolate cake. The “Irish” in this one comes from mashed potatoes—another use for leftovers in the frugal 1950s. The cake retains its succulent texture for several days when covered and stored—if you can keep the kiddies from sneaking it! Ingredients: ½ cup milk, 3 squares… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Irish Chocolate Cake 1950

Vintage Friday: Mystery Pecan Pie

This week we have a vintage pie recipe from the 1964 Pillsbury Bake-Off Cookbook, Mystery Pecan Pie. Actually, the pie boasts two mysteries. One involves a secret ingredient that you wouldn’t expect to find in a pecan pie– none other than my son’s favorite: a cheesecake layer! The second mystery is that the pie is one of… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Mystery Pecan Pie

Vintage Friday: Lose Weight with Ginger Cake

The 1940’s Experiment is a fascinating blog by a woman named Caroline whose weight loss regimen revolves around a diet of — you guessed it — 1940’s recipes. For every pound lost, she recreates and shares a 1940’s recipe. She’s had great success with the weight loss.  I remember my mother talking about rationing and the hardships… Continue reading Vintage Friday: Lose Weight with Ginger Cake