Libraries—why do we love them? Let’s start way back with once upon a time. The goddess Seshat exerted a powerful civilizing influence on ancient Egypt. Her name means “female scribe,” and she was known as the mistress of libraries and secretary of heaven. Over 3,000 years ago Ramses II inscribed his library in Thebes, Egypt… Continue reading Mythic Monday: 11 Reasons to Love Your Library
Tag: Seshat
Mythic Monday: Virgo Goddess Seshat
As the Wheel of the Year winds toward autumn, the energy of Virgo surges forth. The focus is now upon practical matters, details, and getting things as right as we can. The time is ripe for delving into human nature, including our own inner selves, and paring complexities down to the core. Pay attention to the… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Virgo Goddess Seshat