Happy New Year!


January 1st sets the tone for the upcoming year, and today it’s important to take actions that make us feel good about ourselves and our lives– actions that support goals we want to focus on in 2013. To that end, today I’m making sure to: write (I want to publish at least 3 books this year); engage in writing-related endeavors; stay organized and use my time productively; eat mustard greens; exercise; engage in thankfulness and uplifting practices; behave respectfully toward others; spend time with family, including my Snickerdoodles ages 5 and 3.

Medicine Wheel, a Native American sacred site ...
Medicine Wheel, a Native American sacred site and National Historic Landmark in Wyoming (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

As for resolutions, I write goals for the year that cover priorities in major life areas– production and output / organization / finances, creativity, relationships / honoring others,  health / body / home, spirituality / sacred aspects of life. I put these on paper in the form of a medicine wheel with five directions (east, south, west, north, and center) and keep them at my primary writing area to refer to frequently. I also add to them when necessary.

What are your priorities for 2013?

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.

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