Congratulations to Cindy B, winner of my Girls Day Out contest! When my paranormal romance Wytchfae is issued in October by Secret Cravings Publishing, Cindy will receive her free copy. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! You all had great comments about how to enjoy a rollicking girls day out.
Secret Cravings Publishing’s Blog Hop and Scavenger Hunt also proved a huge success last weekend and a whole lot of fun. Readers and authors serenaded each other for appreciation and tons of swag. As a result of the Secret Cravings Publishing’s scavenger hunt, one lucky person won a Kindle Fire, and others took home valuable gift certificates.
Authors are among the most voracious readers. I am one of the lucky

readers who won a few books over the weekend. Woo hoo!
Catch you next time. Gotta go now– #amreading!