Tuesday Tales: Writing Cafe

cafeempty10-18-2016Tuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry troop that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today we have a picture to spark our imaginations. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Ivy checked the clock. Ten minutes until midnight. She must be nuts staying here alone with a strange ghost—or man, whatever he was now. Rowena would give her crap about it. Her heart pounded in a wild rhythm. Tossing out her stale chips and half-full soft drink, she dug out a couple of bills and coins from her purse. At one of the vending machines, she inserted money for two bottles of water.

When she made her way toward the table, he was standing, watching her come. Hands trembling, she sat down, unscrewed her bottle of water and chucked down a swig.

He took a chair across from her.

She removed the cap from the other water and handed him the bottle, shivering when his warm fingers brushed hers. What kind of ghost had a hot touch?

Unable to stop herself, she glanced behind him, puckering her lips at the myriad of golden curlicues gleaming from the decorative wallpaper. The symbols created a gaudy abstract effect. A gasp escaped her lips as she honed in on a series of bold markings scattered among the astrological and occult symbols. She had never noticed them before, but now they stood out in exquisite relief. Ivy blinked as one actually seemed to vibrate. Its shape was the simplest of all—that of a hearty square with exaggerated corners. She tilted her head to see it better.

She looked back at the warrior. The silver clasp on his cloak displayed the same design.  She pointed at the brooch. “What is that symbol?”

He shrugged. “In old Akkadian it stands for the Gate of Mystery.”

“Oh.” Was she supposed to know what that was?

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!Tuesday Tales
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Exquisite. Details and feelings and mystery. Is it a time travel story?
    I don’t think he was a ghost if his hand was warm at the touch.

  2. No fair! That’s the only bad thing about the picture prompt stories. About the time you’ve really caught our interest…the snippet’s over. I can’t wait to read more next week.

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