Tuesday Tales: Writing Band

Tuesday TalesTuesday Tales is a weekly blog featuring diverse authors who post excerpts from their works in progress based on word and picture prompts. We’re a book hungry troop that enjoys reading as much as you do. Today our word prompt is band. The  excerpt is from a paranormal romance featuring a fading rocker. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Nick tossed down a shot, savoring the quick burn.

“Do ‘er again?” The bartender’s bored expression said he already knew the answer.

luciensilverdreamstime_xl_14886721croppedNick gave a quick nod. He could see his own reflection in the furrows running down the big man’s face. Good looks fading. One more outcast from yesteryear’s glory days. A high school football hero maybe. Hometown boy made good. Probably played a little college, then got injured or flunked out. Now relegated to serving losers in this third rate hotel. Not unlike himself. The second shot burned less than the first. Who was he kidding? There was only one dud at this bar. Not so long ago he had it all. Money. Fame. Women by the truckload. He breathed in deeply. And the music. Best band to ever poke a toe out of northeast Florida. Now none of the guys would even speak to him. He’d screwed it up royally. He slid the glass over for a refill.

Voices caught his attention, and he turned around to see. A man and woman made their way toward a table and were apparently arguing. The man had a good grip on her arm. Nick frowned. An odd looking couple. The woman, blonde and kind of floaty looking from what he could see. The man half obscured her. He, slick and thin lipped, wearing a suit that must have set him back 3 G. But he didn’t wear it well. Nick couldn’t put his finger on what was off. An expensive suit usually meant impeccable fit. Then he caught sight of the woman’s face full on, and what sense he had left seemed to fly right out of the room. She looked wan and stricken, as if she’d had bad news. She retained enough spirit to shake off the man’s hand though and slip into the chair of her own accord, biting her bottom lip.

Her eyes lifted to Nick’s and widened. If possible, she paled even more. Slick had grabbed her arm again, and Nick rose off the stool. Sheer panic covered her features and she gave the tiniest shake of her head. Nick stopped in his tracks. She was warning him to stay put. What the hell?

Thanks for stopping by. Please visit the other fabulous authors at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance

By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


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