Welcome to Tuesday Tales, where authors write weekly excerpts incorporating word and picture prompts. The word prompt this week is fall. This snippet is from Silver’s Angel, a paranormal romance in the Wytchfae Series. When you finish reading it, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Lucien eyed the snowy puffball whose silky coat tickled his toes. “Where’s your home?” he inquired, his gaze meandering toward a row of trendy bungalows up the beach. “Maybe one of those posh cribs. What kind of owner lets you run wild without identification?” He harumphed at the vague but objectionable image of a careless cat tender. “Maybe a seasonal visitor? I hope you haven’t been left behind.” The cat gave a polite, truncated meow, and then, with a graceful swirl, proceeded to sashay in circles around his ankles. He grinned. Communion with a cat, could you beat it?
“Lucien!” He jerked his attention toward the curvy brunette descending from the upper-level boardwalk. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“Oh, hi, Taylor. What’s up?”
She stopped, palms curling around the wooden railing. “We were to meet for drinks, remember?”
He frowned. This was the woman his band mate was interested in. What was she doing trailing after him? “Oh, well, uh, Cody was the one engineering that.”
“Perhaps, but you were there. I’m sure he meant to include you.”
He consulted his watch, and a low grunt escaped him. “It’s late. Whatever Cody had in mind will have to wait until after the show. You haven’t talked to him?”
“Not yet.” Her eyes fluttered downward and pinned on the cat.
Lucien smothered a laugh when he saw her mouth fall open.
She gave a grimace of disgust. “Ugh, that pathetic stray again. I thought the doorman had run it off.”
The cat stopped sashaying and stared upward, flattening her ears. It was almost as if she understood what was being said.
“No, not a stray. It—she–must have a home around here somewhere.” As Taylor took a step downward, he thrust up a hand. “Stay there. I’m coming up. You’re not dressed for sand.”
An array of red, pointed nails rested on her hip. “I’m certainly not. Did you actually go swimming in that cold water?”
“Oh, sure. I like it bracing.” Careful not to tread on the white Persian, he reached for the duffel bag and heaved it over his shoulder.
The cat meowed.
He paused, reluctant to abandon her on the beach. He flicked his fingers toward the row of nice houses. “Time to go on home now, cat.”
With one periwinkle eye, she gave a slow, disapproving blink and then, with a sudden bound, leapt up into his arms.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet incorporating the word prompt fall. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other excerpts at Tuesday Tales.
Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic in Romance
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2022 Flossie Benton Rogers
A wonderful snippet. I love the close on this one!
So glad you like the close. Thanks, Mae!
That’s one smart cat! Well done.
Haha, yes, she is. Thanks, Susanne.
Oh, I love this cat!! And how she sized up Taylor in a heartbeat. I see a future together for Lucien and that smart kitty. Such an engaging and charming story, Flossie. I love it.
I’m so glad you like her, Jean. She and Lucien may have some adventures together.
Wonderful snippet
Thank you!
Any man who loves a cat is awesome in my book. Any woman who doesn’t, needs to be given a lesson in how loveable they are if you give them a chance. Interested to see where this is going…. Jillian
Oh, he does have a friend! I definitely do not like Taylor. Can’t wait to read more
I’m glad you can’t wait to read more, Tricia!