It is time for Tuesday Tales, where you’ll find entertaining excerpts from a group of hard-working writers. I continue here with an adventurous medieval romance featuring a knight. This week’s delectable picture prompt is warrior. After reading the passage, make sure to visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
Once they had supped and risen from the high table, she flicked a glance at Nicholas. Her heart beat a little faster at the strange fire in his eyes. Could he be experiencing some of the same feelings as she? Mayhap she imagined it, but ‘twas ne’er her lot in life to pale to the wall. “’Tis customary here to improve digestion by means of movement.” She swallowed. “Care for a stroll in the hedge maze?”
His lips quirked, leaving a trace of a smile. “Think you an end of day walk can be managed without losing our way?”
“I believe so.”
He helped her don a cloak, and they stepped out into the chill of a dwindling day. Navigating the pathways of the hedge maze and deciding which way to go soon had them laughing. The closeness of the meandering hedges warmed the air, and a heady fragrance wafted around them. Or was Nicholas the cause of the flush that swept over her?
He stepped across a clump of roots protruding from the earth and guided her safely across. “’Tis wilder in this inner section, less kept.” In another moment he reached down to examine a splotch of red half hidden among the leaves. “I thought I smelled perfume.”
“A Christmas rose!” she exclaimed, rushing toward the blossom. A tangle of vines ensnarled her mantle. She yanked at the cloak and lost her footing, cascading into Nicholas. He caught her, pulling her tight against his chest. The ragged thudding of his heart matched the sudden wild measure of hers. The hard planes of the warrior’s body sought her soft contours. His hands roamed and explored. Her breath came short. His raw masculinity swirled around her. She looked up, dazed. With trembling fingers, she traced the seductive criss-cross lines of his bottom lip. A guttural sound escaped him. He cradled her face in his hands and claimed her mouth. He tasted like warm honeyed mead.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture prompt warrior. Thanks for stopping by. Read the other remarkable excerpts at Tuesday Tales.

Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2021 Flossie Benton Rogers
I loved it. So romantic. Well done.
Thank you!
Wow, so steamy and romantic! And it’s about time!! I’ve been waiting for those two to get together forever. Love the imagery and the beating of the hearts. Great heat.
Me, too! Thank you, Jean!
Romantic and intoxicating. So well done, Flossie!
Thank you!
Oh my, how romantic! Well done.
Thank you!
Sigh!!! Heart beating faster! Great romantic scene!
Thank you, Trisha!
Whew!! So sensuous. I adore their attraction to each other. So much fun to read. Great job!
I’m so glad their attraction comes across. Thanks, Tricia.