It’s time for Tuesday Tales, with authors writing excerpts based on word or picture prompts. I am partial to the picture prompt this week. It is woman in red. My snippet is from a cozy mystery. The heroine, Peri, and her sister, Debra, have arrived on the estate grounds for an elaborate costume party. Visit all the talented authors of Tuesday Tales.
I had stopped to admire the ornate fountain, when Debra’s shrill voice cut the night air. “I can barely walk in this god-awful costume. Why did I let you talk me into coming here tonight?”
“You’re here to show everyone what a nice person you are, much too nice to murder anyone by bashing them over the head with a hammer.”
Her scoff sounded like the rasp of a thirty-year smoker, as she tugged at the skin-tight satin around her thighs. “I could bash in the head of the chick that designed this dress—in a hot minute.” She stomped a foot and then eyed my outfit up and down. “Why couldn’t I wear your billowing red one, instead of this insipid pale blue?”
“Because the fishtail would drag the floor on me. You’re five inches taller, remember? Besides, that sky blue looks smashing on you with your dark hair, and blue is a calm color.” I lowered my voice and made my tone severe. “We’re here tonight for a reason. The attorney said you need to improve how the public perceives you. So smile and put on a happy face, and for God’s sake stop your infernal whining. I’ve had it up to here.” I gestured as much.
Her chin wobbled. “Why are you yelling at me? I’m the one in trouble.”
I took a deep breath. “Sorry, I’m a little keyed up. Let’s both be on our best behavior. We’ll go in, get a couple of godfathers–you like those drinks, right? And we’ll eavesdrop on all the convos we hear. Maybe we’ll get a lead on who really murdered Kitty.” I grabbed her arm and hissed, “Who’s that?”
A shadowy figure crept across the balcony.
I hope you enjoyed the snippet based on the picture prompt woman in red. Thanks for stopping by. Check out the other authors at Tuesday Tales.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Spirited Stories
All rights reserved, copyright @ 2021 Flossie Benton Rogers
I love a good costume party in a story! Ominous ending, too. Great job, Flossie!
Loved the short snippet story created from such a beautiful red dress picture. Made me want to read more. I mean. Who killed Kitty??
Thank you for stopping by and commenting:) Peri wants to know who killed Kitty, too.
Thanks, Mae!
The ending reminds me of the old radio program “The Shadow Knows.” Suspensful.
I love the old radio shows, especially Nero Wolfe with Sydney Greenstreet.
Well done. I sympathize with Debra. I can’t stand tight clothing. And a cliffhanger to boot.
Yes, lol, she’s tightly wound enough, without a tight dress.
Well done! Great excerpt.
Thank you!
Great excerpt! I love the dynamic writing and the dialogue between the two women. Welll done, Flossie!
Thanks for your generous comments, Jen. I’m glad you liked the writing and dialogue.
GREAT scene! And perfect for that picture. I just adore your writing.
I loved this sentence – Her scoff sounded like the rasp of a thirty-year smoker, as she tugged at the skin-tight satin around her thighs.
You convey so much information with just those few words.
That wording popped into my head and I put it in, though it’s not PC these days lol. Thanks, Trisha!