Fae Friday: Thracian Moon Goddess

Ancient Thrace has always fascinated me. It was a geographical region in and around the northern part of today’s Turkey and Bulgaria, with Romania to the north. The Aegean Sea bordered ancient Thrace to the south with the Greek civilization to the west, the Black Sea to the east, and the Balkan Mountains to the… Continue reading Fae Friday: Thracian Moon Goddess

Fae Friday: Surprising Secrets of Lamassu

A Lamassu is a fascinating Assyrian deity that protects a kingdom, city, building, or home. Often it has the head of a human, the body of a lion, bull, or ox, 4 legs, and the wings of a bird. When viewed from the front in raised stone reliefs, the front may appear to be complete,… Continue reading Fae Friday: Surprising Secrets of Lamassu