Mythic Monday: Sagittarius the Archer by Flossie Benton Rogers

In Greek mythology the immortal centaur Chiron was renowned for his immense learning and passion for teaching. His students included the famous warriors Achilles, Hercules, and Jason of the Argonauts. He himself had been taught by Apollo and Artemis. Like other centaurs, Chiron had the lower body of a horse and the upper body of… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Sagittarius the Archer by Flossie Benton Rogers

Mythic Monday: Crystals and Gemstones – Kyanite by Flossie Benton Rogers

Blue kyanite makes a lovely necklace. In fact, this is a perfect use for the deep blue stone. Kyanite is especially powerful when worn near the throat. It enhances communicative talents and, in the fashion of a laser, opens blocked channels in all directions to allow the throat chakra to function fully and creatively. It… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Crystals and Gemstones – Kyanite by Flossie Benton Rogers