Fae Friday: Demeter’s Joy

DEMETER’S JOY Most of us have lost someone dear in our lives, whether a husband, child, parent, or friend. The hurt is unbearable. We can understand Demeter’s deep, gut wrenching sorrow at the sudden, stark disappearance of her beloved daughter Persephone, taken by the dark lord of the Underworld. In her misery the world turned… Continue reading Fae Friday: Demeter’s Joy

Mythic Monday: Scorpio Goddess Hecate

“He then the name invokes Of Hecate; abundant honour straight Shall follow on his path, if to that prayer Gracious the goddess leans and opulence Attends his footsteps; for the power is hers.”      Hesiod, translated by Sir Charles Abraham Elton, from Theogony “It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Scorpio Goddess Hecate

Mythic Monday: 13 Magical Mothers

Magical mothers give birth to powerful children whose fame withstands the poisonous erosion of time. Let’s tour a smattering of those maternal immortals: Demeter’s treasure was her daughter Persephone. When Hades whisked Persephone away to his dim, underworld abode, Demeter’s stark grief created the earth’s first winter. Ana (also called Anu and Danu) is the… Continue reading Mythic Monday: 13 Magical Mothers