Mythic Monday: Scorpio Goddess Hecate

“He then the name invokes Of Hecate; abundant honour straight Shall follow on his path, if to that prayer Gracious the goddess leans and opulence Attends his footsteps; for the power is hers.”      Hesiod, translated by Sir Charles Abraham Elton, from Theogony “It keeps eternal whisperings around Desolate shores, and with its mighty… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Scorpio Goddess Hecate

Mythic Monday: Naming Hercules

Why is Hercules named after his arch enemy? Connections empower our fascination with mythology. Hercules is the Roman form of the Greek hero, Heracles, son of Zeus and a mortal woman, Alcmene. According to traditional Greek myth, throughout much of his life Heracles suffered a relentless hounding from the goddess Hera. As the wife of… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Naming Hercules

Mythic Monday: Six Summer Solstice Celestials

Summer Solstice celebrates the time of the greatest light in the northern hemisphere. The day is the longest of the year and the beginning of summer. How interesting that with the hottest season starting, the length of days now decreases for the rest of the year, culminating in the Winter Solstice or the shortest day… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Six Summer Solstice Celestials

Mythic Monday: Goddess Macha

A stimulating facet of writing paranormal romance is the chance to delve into my lifelong passion for mythology. I also get to look up information related to my characters. For my work in progress, Lord of Fire – Wytchfae 5, for example, I researched the surname MacAnna. It’s an old Celtic moniker from the Irish… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Goddess Macha