Mythic Monday: Myths About Anne Boleyn

The Snickerdoodle family’s recent visit to Potter’s Wax Museum in St. Augustine made me think about Anne Boleyn, a fascinating woman and tragic queen with a ton of myths swirling around her. Her daughter Elizabeth went on to become England’s greatest queen. Inside the ruby ring Queen Elizabeth wore was a very special and secret… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Myths About Anne Boleyn

Mythic Monday: Solstice Moon

When a North Carolina friend glam camped with her sister in St. Augustine last week, the Snickerdoodle family went up too. Among other old favorite haunts, we visited the fort (oldest in America), the historical jail (we were thrown in the dark, dank pokey by Deputy Otis), and Potter’s Wax Museum (where I couldn’t resist… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Solstice Moon

Mythic Monday: Anne Boleyn

Myths about historical characters and events often morph into what is considered pure myth hundreds and thousands of years later. Did Troy really exist? We now know it did. Were Achilles, Theseus, and Hercules real people? I suggest yes. Today we’ll look at some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding the tragic Anne Boleyn. Daughter… Continue reading Mythic Monday: Anne Boleyn