Mythic Monday: Taurus Goddess Hathor by Flossie Benton Rogers

Head of Hathor LACMA 50.4.9
See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
As the Wheel of the Year spins and day continues to increase in length, we energize with outdoor cookouts and trips to the beach. In Florida the family swimming pool is finally warm enough to fully become submerged in during weekends romps. The expanding focus on home life and togetherness is suggestive of sun in Taurus. The essence of this configuration involves immersion in the physical world, the comforts and rewards in life, beauty, pleasure, perseverance, persistence, sensuality, stubbornness, strength, and loyalty. I honor the Egyptian goddess Hathor as 2015 patron goddess of Taurus.

The powerful goddess Hathor thrived in Upper Egypt from the time of the Old Kingdom, if not before. People in the predynastic era worshipped a cow goddess named Bat, and eventually Hathor enfolded Bat into her own circle of splendor. Looking at it this way, Hathor is indeed a primeval goddess. Her realm is that of the mother, and she governs women’s needs, fertility, childbirth, and children. She represents the vast Milky Way itself, the winged celestial cow, mother of our solar system, from whose breasts flow the milk that sustains all life. Her circles of influence include beauty, love, happiness, earthly delights, artistic spirit, nourishment, maternal instincts, and abundance.

Hathor’s presence permeated every aspect of Egyptian life. Despite her ancient beginnings, she remained one of the most popular Egyptian goddesses of the pantheon. Nor was her worship confined to Egypt, but rather spread to surrounding locales. She garnered many names and epithets, including Lady of Stars and Mistress of Heaven. The sparkling red star Sirius held a strong association with Hathor. The rise of Sirius in the east signaled not only the start of the annual Egyptian inundation or fertile period, but also the birthday of Hathor.

Hathor held particular affinity with musicians, and the sistrum was her special instrument. Her domain flourished with music, song, dance, and artistic expression.

May we all be blessed by the beauty, bounty, and emotional bonds bestowed by the beloved goddess Hathor.

Cheers & Happy Reading!
Flossie Benton Rogers, Conjuring the Magic with Paranormal Fantasy Romance


By Flossie Benton Rogers

Paranormal romance author who loves to shake the edges of reality.


  1. Ah, beautiful weather for swimming. We’re open to finally open our pool next weekend for Memorial Day (although it will still be too cold to take a dip for a few weeks).

    I’ve heard the name Hathor before, but wasn’t familiar with the legends associated with her. As always, an interesting Mythic Monday!

    1. The Snickerdoodles have been frolicking in the pool for a few weeks now, but I could only recently get deeper in than my legs. I am not a polar bear! With the sun beating down though, this are warming up. Thanks for commenting, Mae.

  2. I was familiar with this image, but not exactly with who she is. So Hathor is the Geto-Dacian equivalent of Bendis– a goddess of the moon, forests, maternity and love.Thank you for the blessings! May they come back to you ten times stronger!

    1. I remember reading about Bendis, and I know of her as a moon goddess, but I don’t know a lot about her. She sounds like she would make a great blog showcase. What’s more wonderful than moon goddesses? Thanks, Carmen.

  3. Another fascinating post, Flossie. Hathor is one of my favourites. I don’t know anything about Bendis. Time I learned some more. Thanks for sharing.

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